Reality show Bigg Boss Season 7, hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, witnessed its first elimination today. While those nominated were the Jahannum contestants namely – Pratyusha Banerjee, Kushal Tandon, Elli Avram, Kamya Punjabi, Ratan Rajput and Hazel Keech, voting results made Hazel to leave the house!
Speaking on her exit Hazel said, “Bigg Boss has been a great experience and I will treasure it for rest of my life. It was quite easy for me to adapt to the place in spite of the limitations and it fortunately worked well for me. I met new people, made friends and also learnt that it is very important to have a positive energy when you are in the house.”
The actress, who comes from a British background managed to sail through the difficulties of hell and befriended almost everyone inside the house. In spite of facing a language barrier, Hazel was seen taking much effort in learning to talk in Hindi.
Always smiling Hazel found a great friend in fellow contestant Elli and was seen opening up to her quite often. Though she fell sick during her last few days inside the house, Hazel still continued to remain cheerful all the time.
Here’s wishing this beautiful lady all the best for her future!
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